save help plz!?

im trying to mess around with the workbench and making circuits, but when i go to save, it says i have to be logged in. when i click login, it says im already logged in as myself. the simulator still wont let me save though! any help suggestions? thanks-pyro3

by pyro3
December 09, 2012

Hi pyro3,

With all “strange” behavior it would be mandatory to report browser + version.

However, I think I had a similar issue just one time and it was solved after log out, delete browser cookies, restart browser and log in again.

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
December 09, 2012

Not sure if this is quite your problem but if you edit a circuit whilst logged out then try to save it, you'll be prompted to log in.

If, after you log in, you go back to the Editor page (I think CL takes you back there anyway), you should see "Refresh" appear in the top right of the Editor window.

Clicking that should fix the problem.

by signality
December 10, 2012

ill try that. thanks guys

by pyro3
December 14, 2012

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