
where i can find thyristor symbol

by twofel
July 31, 2012

has not yet ',' , I found this in my book ^^

by aolv2
July 31, 2012

that's a possibility .... I'll try to simulate

by twofel
July 31, 2012

This provides a bit more background to modelling SCRs & Thyristors:


describes a way to make a behavioural model using the IF, THEN, ELSE statements in the expressions for behavioural sources.

Although CL cannot implement the IF, THEN, ELSE structure described there, it is possible to model this using voltage controlled switches or comparators based on the TANH functions to make comparisons and switch parameters in an inline expression.

by signality
August 01, 2012

ok...its too complex...i think its better to look for another programm having implemented thyristor models..thx for your work !

by twofel
August 01, 2012

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