Copy and paste

I've tried highlighting a piece of circuitry, clicking on copy and then paste, but it doesn't seem to work for me. Should it? (Ubuntu Linux, Chrome 18.0.1025.151)

by jjd
April 06, 2012

Hi jjd,

Yes, it should work. Can you provide me with more information about how you encountered this bug so I can try to reproduce it. If you can provide a link to a public circuit where you are running into the problem, and tell me which items you were trying to copy paste it would help me out quite a bit.

by hevans
April 06, 2012

Yes, it works, but there is no feedback, and it pastes the new item right on top of the original!

You have to drag it out of the way.

by arduinohacker
April 06, 2012

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