Bug Report: “Error” doesn’t stop the Solver

Checking this old example I still see the “Error in element or node names” (only when switching from Build to Simulate) but the Solver works w/o any problem.

So the text must be “Warning”, not “Error”.

An “Error” is final, a “stop”, in contrast a “Warning” may work.

  • Are these (which?) characters really invalid? Why do they work? Is the message from a former version of CL?

(already reported in Nov. but with incorrect topic, see https://www.circuitlab.com/forums/support/topic/4knq59um/bug-invalid-characters-throw-error-but-there-is-no-such/)

Also see: https://www.circuitlab.com/forums/support/topic/vhx38gbe/node-name/

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
April 21, 2013

Delete the “)” at the end of the first link to make it work.

by Sancho_P
April 21, 2013

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