Cannot export to any format SOLVED

I cannot export my diagram to any format (PDF, PNG, EPS, SVG,...).

When it tries to, new processing-tab is open in browser but when a large amount of time has transcured ("Processing. Please wait..."), no exportation is availiable.

OS: Mac OS X (Snow Leopard) & Windows 7 Browser: Google Chrome (21.0.1180.89) BBCode:

by deyivan
September 24, 2012


The export works here with my system:

OS X Snow Leo 10.6.8 + Safari 5.1.7

I’ve tried PDF, PNG, SVG, it takes just a few seconds, but using a small circuit.

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
September 24, 2012


By Windows7 Browser do you mean IE?

If so that could be your problem because CL does not officially support IE.


Or are you saying it doesn't work on your machine with Chrome either?

by signality
September 24, 2012

I refer I use Chrome on both OS (W7 & Mac OS X SL) with the same result (without result, in this case). I suspect I have a lot of lines, nodes, blocks,... in my diagram because I have been able to export a few days ago, when scheme had not been finished... So, it's only a suspect.

by deyivan
September 24, 2012

Try making any old circuit in CL and see if you can export that?

by signality
September 25, 2012

Yes, I can. As @Sancho_P said before, I can do it with small circuits, but I cannot with this one:

Please, could you try to export, for instance, to pdf?

by deyivan
September 25, 2012

Um, following your link, I can't see a circuit. All it shows me is a CL preview frame with a little broken image icon in the middle.

Opening it in the editor does not complete but seems to hang with the "Loading complete" box over a greyed out blank schematic editor background.

Might be a clue there?

Which browser are you using to create the circuits (as opposed to which one to export from)?

by signality
September 25, 2012

Oh! It does eventually open the circuit in the editor.

Export to pdf takes a long time ...

"Processing. Please wait..."

for many minutes.


Ditto .PNG.

Haven't tried the other formats.


Yup, looks like CL has a problem with big schematics.

by signality
September 25, 2012

I only use Chrome for both create & navigate...

I think it's a very large circuit... It's a pity!

by deyivan
September 25, 2012

Hi @deyivan,

That is a pretty big circuit that was pushing the limit of the loading time for our renderer. We just deployed some new code that should make your circuit load faster, and not time out the renderer. Give your export a try and let me know here if you run into problems again.


by hevans
September 30, 2012

Hi @hevans,

Thanks a lot for notice!!! your new code runs quickly and exports nicely.

Best regards.

by deyivan
October 01, 2012

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