Trying to duplicate existing simulation

See this youtube video:

Trying to set a similar circuit up.

I need IRF540 and BYV26E spice models. any ideas. I must admit to liking the realtime simulations available from falstad's java applet. Any chance...?

by Neon22
March 20, 2012

OK the 5817 diode is an example of a fast diode so this and the IRF530 should be close enough for the simulation but I cannot get it to oscillate. Maybe I have hooked the circuit up wrong. I will keep looking

by Neon22
March 20, 2012

I think you want the sources of the FETS to go to ground, not +12

by arduinohacker
March 27, 2012

I got it to oscillate, but had to make quite a few changes:

by arduinohacker
March 27, 2012

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