Unable to simulate this circuit, CL freezes completely SOLVED

I am trying to simulate this circuit: https://www.circuitlab.com/circuit/75fvt8858s68/gfci/

The simulation never starts (no % is displayed) and eventually my browser complains it's slowing down the tab.

Firefox 78.0.1 (64-bit) Manjaro Linux

by matthew798
July 09, 2020

I should add it's a transient simulation: start: 0 stop: 0.1 step: 10uS

by matthew798
July 09, 2020

Looks like it's unable to find a DC simulation point.

I changed "Skip Initial" to "Yes" (Under Simulation -> Time Domain) and was able to run the transient simulation. V(sig) looks like a square-ish wave at 60 Hz. Is that what you expect?

by mrobbins
July 09, 2020

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