Slow Simulation Time

Why do I have about 2hrs:30minutes Simulation time? Is there something I can do to improve this time? Or is it dependant on your end?

by dchester
April 30, 2012

Have you asked for a long simulation time (Ts) with a timestep of Ts/10k or smaller?

That extends the actual simulation time.

Or is your circuit oscillating?

Or is it struggling to find the initial conditions?

Publicise your circuit then we can have a look and may be able to offer some more helpful advice.


by signality
April 30, 2012

What I usually do is choose a short simulation time, like 3 cycles of the lowest frequency I expect to see, then choose a time step of 1/100 to 1/1000 of that.

That usually gives adequate results for a first look-see.

by arduinohacker
April 30, 2012

Sorry for the long response been busy with other work. But Its a simple RC Filter:, I was doing a time sweep simulation varying the frequency. With the stop time 5 seconds and a step of about 0.001, then the frequency was 1 to 10000 decade with a step of 100 per decade. I tried it in safari and chrome on my macbook pro.

by dchester
April 30, 2012

Looks like the forum picked up the comma trailing your URL as part of the URL. In any case, when I open your simple RC highpass circuit:

and run a time domain simulation for stop time "10m", time step "10u", it completes in 0.44 seconds. When I do a frequency domain simulation, 1 to 1e8 Hz, 100 pts/decade, it completes in 0.28 seconds. Both numbers are on my laptop / Chrome / Linux.

Using a simulation timestep of 0.001 (1 millisecond) with a 1kHz function generator would be inadvisable -- the simulator will be sampling the function at its fundamental period.

by mrobbins
April 30, 2012

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