Beginner needs graph advice SOLVED Simulation shows current in both directions even though there is a diode. It depended on the number of current test points i have in circuit. Running time domain simulation at both sides of diode I(D4.nA) and I(D4.nK)

Please advise on whats happening. Michael

by gaspromike
November 10, 2012

Your link points to an empty circuit.

by signality
November 11, 2012 I dont understand. When i copy and paste this into a browser it opens my circuit. Is it because im logged in ?

by gaspromike
November 11, 2012

I just made the drawing public so you should be able to see it now. Sorry about that but im a newbie! Any help would be great, Thanks Mike

by gaspromike
November 11, 2012

Current flow is shown as +ve or -ve, depending on direction.

I(D4.nA) and I(D4.nK) plots current flowing into and out of D4.

I(R4.nA) and I(R4.nB) plots current flowing into and out of R4.

Curren flowing into node A from +ve volts to -ve volts is shown +ve, flowing out of node B from +ve volts to -ve volts is shown -ve.

Sanity check: set up a simple 1V source with a 1 Ohm load and probe the current at each end of the resistor.

by signality
November 11, 2012

Thanks for that explanation. I was thinking about it the wrong way and looked on current as one direction from + to - supply with diode in circuit. I now see i must look at it differrently from a components perspective. Mike

by gaspromike
November 11, 2012

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