Simulation shows current in both directions even though there is a diode. It depended on the number of current test points i have in circuit. Running time domain simulation at both sides of diode I(D4.nA) and I(D4.nK) Please advise on whats happening. Michael |
by gaspromike
November 10, 2012 |
Your link points to an empty circuit. |
by signality
November 11, 2012 | I dont understand. When i copy and paste this into a browser it opens my circuit. Is it because im logged in ? |
by gaspromike
November 11, 2012 | I just made the drawing public so you should be able to see it now. Sorry about that but im a newbie! Any help would be great, Thanks Mike |
by gaspromike
November 11, 2012 |
Current flow is shown as +ve or -ve, depending on direction. I(D4.nA) and I(D4.nK) plots current flowing into and out of D4. I(R4.nA) and I(R4.nB) plots current flowing into and out of R4. Curren flowing into node A from +ve volts to -ve volts is shown +ve, flowing out of node B from +ve volts to -ve volts is shown -ve. Sanity check: set up a simple 1V source with a 1 Ohm load and probe the current at each end of the resistor. |
by signality
November 11, 2012 |
Thanks for that explanation. I was thinking about it the wrong way and looked on current as one direction from + to - supply with diode in circuit. I now see i must look at it differrently from a components perspective. Mike |
by gaspromike
November 11, 2012 |
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