Help Request: Behavioural capacitors fail or give silly results.

Fixed the 02 version (now called 03):

but no joy with 01 yet ...

by signality
May 10, 2012

I got the first model to work, but not because I understand what is wrong:

In the process of modifying, I know I made the following changes:

  1. changed the reference cap C1 to 1u and the "capacitance" multiplier parameter to 1
  2. Changed the expression for the behavioral current to use the C1 capacitor current (rather than current in Voltage source).
  3. Eliminated voltage source in series with C1; added dummy Resistance instead.

So it works, and I tried to back to the original circuit and isolate which change(s) are actually important. Never got this second attempt to work right. After getting it modified essentially identical to above, this schematic simulates but does not work correctly.

I'll continue playing later...

by CarlSawtell
May 11, 2012


Many thanks for trying ...


by signality
May 13, 2012

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