voltmeter SOLVED

how do i make my voltmeter data show up on the screen during simulation?

by gaborina
June 25, 2012

Hi gaborina,

Measurements made using the voltmeter or ammeter symbols - or just clicking on a net or node - do not show on the circuit diagram. You have to select and set up a simulation to run and then click on a node or a net in your circuit to choose which voltages and/or currents you want to see.

If you select a DC Solver run then you will just see a list of measured values at the top of the simulation run panel on the left side of the simulator window.

If you select any other type of simulation, at the end of the simulation run you will get a plot of some kind open in a new window inside the main simulator window. The voltages or currents - or functions of them - that you selected in setting up that simulation will then be shown in the plot window with the appropriate legends in the top right of the window.

To toggle between showing or hiding a trace just click on the legend.

This may also help in explaining a little more about using the voltmeter and ammeter symbols:


by signality
June 25, 2012

Hey. My name is Jose Antonio. I want to first thank you for so good program.

I want to give some ideas if they can perform.

I am a teacher of basic electronics and I think it would be a good idea for voltmeters and ammeters could function as they do in reality. Thus, especially at first, to beginning students is easier to learn electronics.

There is also a very interesting option that can be measured directly in both AC voltages and currents in a circuit. The measured values ​​could be in RMS.

Again, for students who are new to the electronics, it would be a powerful tool.

Thank you.

Hola. Mi nombre es Jose Antonio. Yo quiero dar primeramente las gracias por tan bien programa.

Yo quiero dar algunas ideas por si se pueden llevar a cabo.

Yo soy profesor de electronica basica y creo que seria muy buena idea que los voltimetros y amperimetros pudiesen funcionar tal como lo hacen en la realidad. Asi, sobre todo al principio, para los alumnos principiantes es mas facil aprender electronica.

Además, hay una opcion muy interesante es que se pueda medir directamente en corriente alterna tanto las tensiones como las intensidades en un circuito. Los valores medidos podrian ser en valor eficaz.

Nuevamente, para los alumnos que se inician en la electronica, seria una herramienta poderosa.


by joseagr.ite
August 03, 2012

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