Wrong mixing signal simulation?

Hi, I try made lab2b from MITx 6.002x course, but time domain simulations result is wrong! Simulation result must be like this picture.

Any ideas?

by machucha
March 22, 2012

Hi Machucha,

V1 should vary between 0V and 1V. On V1 try setting the DC Offset to .5V and the Amplitude to .5V. That should give you a wave with the correct values. You already have V2 set correctly.

by joelmathewson
March 22, 2012

it work ок, I look& single signal V1. it real +/-.5V not 0-1V

by machucha
March 23, 2012

little dfference in circuitlab set parameters & MITx sandbox.

by machucha
March 23, 2012

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