Plot problem? Only 6 out of 9 available plots shown.

Seems to show up a problem with the plotting: there are three steps in the sweep and three waveforms to plot for each. The plot window only shows a rather arbitrary 6 out of the total of 9 available plots.

by signality
May 22, 2012

I verified that there's nothing odd about your sweeps, and I tried to look for patterns in what it is omitting.

And if you increase to three output variables with 4 steps each, you get 9 plots; with 5 steps you get 12. Each output variable is missing one of the sweeps: the first output variable is missing the first sweep, the second output lacks the second sweep etc.

I tried plotting 6 sweeps of six output variables, and saw another clue: after following the above progression on the voltage plots, the current plots, on a separate axis, started again by omitting the first sweep, then the second...

by CarlSawtell
May 22, 2012


Have you considered opening an online detective agency:

"Carl Sawtell's Logical Detective Agency"?


by signality
May 23, 2012

Just found another aspect to this plot problem.

If I untick the "Sweep parameter" option to run a time domain sim with only a fixed input signal swing, then the graphing fails with the following error:

Error while graphing No data

and only shows a grey plot window.


by signality
May 23, 2012

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