Generator Polarization

Hey guys do you now how to make a polarization schematic for a generator? I need one for one of my projects and I have no clue how it works any help?

by tobidude21
April 25, 2013

Don't understand "a polarization schematic for a generator".

Do you mean how to polarise the rotor for a (non-permanent magnet) alternator?

Please explain.

by signality
April 25, 2013

Yeah I was reading about something that said you have to polarize a generator everytime you start it. I saw there were some schematics but they weren't labled. It was in the power output that you had to polarize. I'm not sure I'm new to this. =P

by tobidude21
April 25, 2013

Does this help?

by signality
April 26, 2013

Yeah this helps a lot thanks!

by tobidude21
April 26, 2013

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