Component request: favourite BJTs for audio

Hi. Here's a short list of fairly universally favoured BJTs for analog DIY audio amplifier projects:

Output devs:
2SC5200 / 2SA1943 (Toshiba) (or KSA/KSC eqv.); 2N4281A / 2N4302A (On Semi);

Voltage amp stage: 2SC4793 / 2SA1837 (Toshiba) (or KSA/KSC eqv.); 2SC3503 / 2SA1381 (or KSA/KSC eqv.); MJE340 / MJE350;

Input amplifiers: 2N5551 / 2N5401; 2SC1845 / 2SC992 (or KSA/KSC eqv.); BC550C / BC560C; BC546C / BC556C

by TAJ
March 15, 2012

Each are listed as complementary pairs. (NPN / PNP or vice-verse)

by TAJ
March 15, 2012

I'm looking for spice models for many components. I found a lot of diodes here:

I think your transistors may be here:

Complete list scan be found via:


I guess we have to enter the values manually as there is not currently an import spice mechanism(IIRC)

by Neon22
March 20, 2012

Great equivalents and params site here: E.g. 2SC5200

by Neon22
March 20, 2012

Right now, these should probably just be custom transistors. You can use whatever SPICE parameters you'd like.

However, in the future, I could see a utility for creating custom (shareable) libraries of symbols and SPICE models.

I don't think that we want to try to include everyone's favorite transistors; that would become unmanageable quickly.

by KevinVermeer
March 28, 2012


I disagree. 'Unmanageable' would be the result of a poor implementation of a user interface. "Favorite BJTs" implies a suitability range that could/should be expanded so that users (lazy moi) don't have to research and edit the parameters for a bog standard device that doesn't exist here yet, every time I need to use one (status quo). There are, for example, currently no standard BJTs that will handle significant power (without stacking half a dozen together) at a significant voltage (which could only be done by researching/editing parameters.)

If I could save custom devices for general public use, I would go to the trouble to research and edit the PSPICE parameters. As it stands, I'll just stick to using my off-line software to get the job done.

by TAJ
April 07, 2012

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