motor timer what would be a good value for R1 C2 to get a time 0-80sec will be the same for both timers

am i correct with the diodes to S5 to allow to allow it to trigger both timers while still allowing S1 and S3 to trigger just the one timer what would be a good diode for this

is S6 connected right to stop both what value should some of the other caps and resistors be

by rlrich
February 19, 2013

Posting a circuit and then asking random questions about it without presenting a design specification, a description of what the circuit is for, what you want it to do and how it works or is supposed to meet the design specification is not likely to get you much help.

i) Write a design specification;

ii) Write a description of what the circuit is for;

iii) Write a description of how it works;

iv) Post them;

v) Then ask questions.

In the meanwhile Google/Wiki for info on the 555 timer:

Also search CL.

by signality
February 19, 2013

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