Axes Ranges


Is there a way to specify/change the ranges for the y-axis? Specifically, I am plotting both the current and the voltage on the same graph using the left y-axis for one parameter and the right y-axis for the other. How can I over-ride auto-scaling?

Thanks in advance.

by dshah2k
March 03, 2013

You can't explicitly set the range of axes in CL.

You can try some of the options under:

Advanced Graphing

in the simulation tabs.

Or set up a dummy signal or voltage or current etc that forces the graph to include those values.

This will not stop it showing anything above or below those values but it will force CL to scale the axes to include them.

Another trick is to use the LIMIT(a, x, y) function:

to only include that part of the plotted trace that you want to see.

It will flat-top or flat-bottom the signal if it is above or below the limit window but the rest of the signal span will autoscale to fit the axes.

Probably need to set:

Always include zero: No

by signality
March 04, 2013

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