Need help with quizboard design

So I am fairly new to electronics, but I need to make a quiz board for a project. It has to have 30 terminals (one for each question: 15, one for each answer: 15) and basically if a wire (or a lead which can be built in to the system) is connected to a question and the other end (or other lead) is connected to the right answer it should light up an led but if it is connected to a wrong answer a buzzer has to sound. I was trying to come up with a feasible design: Not sure if it would even work, but the goal is if a right pair is selected it shorts out one end of the AND gate on the BUZZER branch (so it wont activate) and runs through the LED branch, otherwise the buzzer is turned on. I made a design with only 3 pairs of terminals but believe it could be extended to 15 pairs. Any help would be much appreciated :)

by lgm432
April 10, 2013

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