PWM at 12V

Hello everybody,

I'm discovering CircuitLab to find out how to add linear dimming for an RGB LED with the absolute given thing that a PMW output between 9 and 2 volt is the startingpoint. So I have to flatten the three channels. When I use the standard PWM module with the output at 5V I have results by placing a capacitor. But when I try to raise the voltage to 12V by placing a typical non inverting opamp amplifier after the standard PMW it just falls to pieces. I have no idea why the opamp 'destroys' the setting.

Could you say what I'm doing wrong. or perhaps there is a much easier way to set the output of the PMW to a desired voltage.

kind regards,


by Luc1960
March 10, 2013

"Could you say what I'm doing wrong."

No, because you haven't made your circuit unlisted or public.

But this might help:

by signality
March 10, 2013

Hello Signality, I'm sorry for not attaching the circuit. A mistake on my part. Still, a warm thank you for answering.

kind regards,


by Luc1960
March 10, 2013

As long as it helps ...


by signality
March 10, 2013

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