Oscillator simulation

I've tried to simulate several different oscillators, the last being a colpitts xtal oscillator. Not a one of them has showed oscillation when being simulated. I've never run into this using PSPICE. Any ideas on the magic needed here? I've shared the schematic as Buffered Oscillator.

by Wynn
April 06, 2014

The crystal is 'non Simulatable' so you might need to emulate it with a function generator. when you hover over a component it will say 'non Simulatable' if it just for schematic purpose.

by Garrett
April 06, 2014


Thanks for the information. Do you have any idea if a model (LCR) of the crystal will solve this problem?

by Wynn
April 06, 2014

I don't really know how a crystal oscillator works but I did find this http://pdfserv.maximintegrated.com/en/an/AN2127.pdf and on page 3 there is a LRC model

by Garrett
April 08, 2014

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