Pulse to Triangle or Sawtooth

Guys, I am trying to design a a circuit that helps me to generate (receive) a triangle or Sawtooth out from a pulse or 5 V DC. The Triangle rise edge should be controlable at around 20 ms from 0 - 5 Volts. SO should be the Sawtooth. Any idea how i can get this ? Many thanks in advance Y3G

by Y3g
May 14, 2013

Your post is confused.


Please clarify your requirements.


by signality
May 15, 2013

Ok, sorry, Let's put it that way: a) I give you a pulse train of Duty Cycle 50 %, Pulse width 20 ms (in future should be variable) with a DC values from 0-5 Volts, Or b) I just give you a 5 V DC input.

I need to get
a) a triangle with a ramp up time of the above mentioned Pulse and the Voltage from 0 to 5 V.

Actually I 'd like exchange the XR2206 Signal Generator from EXAR and build an Arduino SHield instead....

Thanks for any hints, if you have someone that has this shield, let me know

by Y3g
May 15, 2013

Too many words, not enough information.


What sets the triangle rise time? Fall time? Peak voltage?

What sets to prf if the control input is DC?

Are you talking about a VCO that can be synchronised to an input pulse train?

Or switched between VCO and triggred by an input pulse train?

Can you post a timing diagram to illustrate what you mean?

Write and post a proper spec that describes in sufficient detail what functions the circuit is to achieve.

See "A design process" in:


by signality
May 16, 2013

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