CL gets adverts!

A revenue stream at last?


by signality
November 15, 2012

@signality: First I did not know what you mean, because I did not see any ad.

After 2 days of wondering ( ;-) ) just now I realized what you were talking about - but only because of using Firefox, my second browser, which has no ad-block installed.

My standard (beloved) Safari does not show any advertisement per default. I think this is the “average” user setting nowadays because too many sites have annoying and intrusive ads, sometimes flash even with sound.

But I have to confess that I really love decent advertisement in two points:

a) As a source of useful information. I even click at such ads. I am interested.

b) As (part of) a business model, to make some money from visitors.

When I wrote “decent” I mean something like CL now has!!! Not intrusive and in context to my needs and interests.

  • I want to read / click at it when I’m waiting for the solver to come to an end.

  • Please give me the chance to support your site.

That said I’d suggest to change the text from “Thanks for using CircuitLab! Please spread the word.” to something like:

  • Please help us to stay online and disable your ad-blocker for CircuitLab. Our advertisements are neither intrusive nor have any sound.

Both, user and site owner, should read (also some comments) at:

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
November 18, 2012

Ad blocker hint:



Especially the ad in the editor window is extremely decent. Well done, CL!

If advertisement is both, decent and interesting, I’ll be happy to follow it.

Regards, Sancho

by Sancho_P
April 04, 2013

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