Feature Request: Organize this forum!

This forum is active, has a lot of helpful people, and has occasional input from the developers. That's great!

However, it's not very well organized. It functions (per the "How to use this forum" sticky and description) as a place for support on how to use CircuitLab, a place to report bugs in the software, a place to request new features, and, if you haven't noticed, a place to request help with how to build circuits (which doesn't seem to be in the original plan).

Currently, it has 181 threads spread over several pages. Some of these threads never got replies. Some got replies, but were never resolved. Some were resolved. There's no good way to look for only feature requests or bugs to see if yours has already been posted other than by searching Google for site:https://www.circuitlab.com/forums/support. There's no good way to look for popular or common feature requests other than by counting the number of posts to that thread, and no way to sort the list by anything other than 'last post date'.

This is probably still OK (you can scroll through the 181 threads in not too much time), but will soon get out of hand as the site grows in volume. Some forum organization (voting, categorizing, and sorting, as first steps) are required.

I'm not sure what's being used for the forum software (seems to be homemade, which is pretty cool) but this is a solved problem. Some combination of features from Stack Exchange/OSQA, Uservoice, and Redmine/FogBugz or some tweaks to any one of the above platforms would be awesome. At the very least, splitting the /forums page into Electronics Help, CircutLab Support, Bug Reports, and Feature Requests would make things much more clear.

by KevinVermeer
May 16, 2012

+1, as in I agree

by eldonb46
May 17, 2012

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