selectable voltage logic symbols

Would it be possible to add a voltage selector to all the logic symbols to be able to select the desired voltage rather than the fixed 5 volt only as it is now.


by Saturn-1
June 02, 2023

Just double click on the voltage source and you can change its voltage in the pop-up

by desertgreg
June 07, 2023

Thank you for the suggestion. That is my point unless I am missing something. All logic gates from the menu are set at 5 volts. There is no voltage selector for them.

by Saturn-1
June 15, 2023

Oh I see. Sorry I thought you were talking about the voltage sources. I have never worked directly with logic gates. I can confirm your issue though. As a test I just put 3.3V into an OR gate and I get 5V on the output just like you're saying.

by desertgreg
June 15, 2023

Not a problem. Thanks for confirming it. Hopefully they can add a voltage selector to the logic gates.

by Saturn-1
June 26, 2023

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