subscript and superscript in component names

variable names should be able to have both subscript and superscript. it is easily done with e.g. latex math mode formatting: CMCE is then written as C_{MC}^{E}

by kaspermalfroid
April 18, 2013

possibly with greek letters


by fratealberto
May 08, 2013

+1 on this one - even something simple like R1 and C1 instead of R1 and C1 would be nice.

by knickels
January 26, 2018

I found that if I make GREEK letters in WORD and then copy them over it works. Superscript and subscript from a Word copy and paste do NOT work.

by bunnell
January 22, 2020

It's really irritating that they couldn't make this work, even after 11 years... Greek or Latin letters, I don't see any difference.

by Koen_Van_de_moortel
December 15, 2023

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