Importing Spice Models

Hey there,

Is it possible to import SPICE models somehow? For instance, I have a circuit build around a TL431 that I'd like to simulate. ON Semiconductor has a SPICE model available for it:

How would one go about importing this SPICE model?


Chris Troutner

by chris.troutner
March 22, 2012

You can edit the parameters of a similar part and replace them with the Spice values of the part you want to simulate. You can use the text tool to add a name to the modified part. You can select the modified part and name and do a copy. If you open another project, you can paste the copied part into the new schematic which retains the modified parameters.

What is neat is to create a schematic sheet with all of your favorite custom parts on it which you keep saved. Then when creating a new schematic that uses one of the custom parts, just copy and paste it into your project.

Gary Samuelson

by glsam4811
July 12, 2012

@chris.troutner, you might also like to have a look at:

@glsam4811, that's quite a nice way to make a library of parts.

Thanks for sharing that idea.

by signality
July 12, 2012

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