Feature request: Zoom all in schematic and +/- zoom in plot window


It would be nice all of the schematic could be brought in the visible field, and if plus/minus zoom controls and possibly sliders were available in the plot results window. Wold make it a tiny bit more comfortable (not that it is not now, of course!).

Regards: Dimitar

by adash
April 03, 2013

"It would be nice all of the schematic could be brought in the visible field"

Editor window > Edit > Zoom to Fit

"plus/minus zoom controls and possibly sliders were available in the plot results window."

Editor window > Edit > Zoom In Ctrl+

Editor window > Edit > Zoom Out Ctrl-

or mouse scroll wheel anywhere in the Editor window

or two finger pinch/expand on a touchscreen.

by signality
April 03, 2013

Yup, that works, but it would be nicer to have a dedicated button, next to the + and - in the lower right corner. No way to zoom in/out of the "results plot", except for the "reset zoom", which is a bit too much. It's a tiny bit bothersome, when looking at a waveform, for example, you can not zoom on the front edge, and then scroll or zoom out/zoom in the trailing edge. You have to "reset zoom" and then zoom on the trailing edge with the mouse select.

by adash
April 03, 2013

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