Circuit Lab as a Platform

I realize this may be slightly outside the scope of your goals for this software, but being a developer myself, I thought pass this idea along...

I found you while I was looking for a way to model the circuit on my boat which includes my solar array, wind generator, house circuit, engine, and navigation instruments. It seems like the framework behind Circuit Lab would easily support this. Have you considered opening your system as a framework.

There are a huge number of people who could benefit from simply diagramming their home circuit (let alone simulating it). This includes people using alternative energy sources at home, boat owners, and RV owners. Any do-it-yourself-er could really use something like that.

Anyway, I thought I'd ask.

by jamstooks
September 06, 2012

A couple examples of components would be a solar pannel, solar charge controllers, alternators, and inverters. These are obviously not low-level components, but simply having diagramming functionality for these without simulation would be super useful.

by jamstooks
September 06, 2012

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