electromagnet simulation and better photoresistors

I was in the process of building a coilgun design when I noticed that electromagnets are not present, and photoresistors cannot be set to have a different response to light.

by endprojectfrisch
April 08, 2013

If by "electromagnets" you mean inductors with fixed ferromagnetic cores then you can use the CL inductor models.

If instead you mean inductors with movable ferromagnetic cores then this might give you some pointers:



The CL photoresistor is just a symbol meant to represent the presence of a photoresistor at a fixed resistance. The resistance value can be swept in a DC Sweep simulation but cannot be made to vary in response to some input variable.

If you want something that has a resistance that can be varied as some function of an input voltage that represents light level then you can use these:

https://www.circuitlab.com/circuit/6tfs62/behavioural-resistor-02/ https://www.circuitlab.com/circuit/k4hrdq/behavioural-resistor-03/

If you want something that more accurately models the behaviour of a Cadmium Sulphide light dependent resistor then have a look at:




by signality
April 10, 2013

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