Include UJT- PUT in components

Make: Electronics is a popular book to learn electronics with. Like other people I have encountered a problem when I try to model his circuits. There is no predefined PUT UJT transistor. According to Wikipedia, PUTs are still widely used and not considered obsolete. I suspect that there is a way to use the SPICE model but it goes beyond what a beginner(me) can do. So, my feature request is to include PUTs but also to have all the components featured in the book.

by Emmentaler
February 15, 2015

Having come to this post looking for UJTs in CircuitLab then I 100% agree with including them as well as all the components from Make:Electronics.

Would certainly be a value add to be able to create all the circuits in the book.

by HansRoaming
March 12, 2015

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