Requested feature: File based devices?

It would be very useful if ideal linear block file-based devices could be used in Circuit Lab. Files could defined in two different ways I can think of:
A frequency response file (voltage out/voltage in, vs. frequency, in dB magnitude and phase) paired with an impedance file (ohms vs. frequency, in mag and phase). An S-Parameter file (like us microwave guys use).

An immediate use for the first method (response and impedance) would be for modelling loudspeaker crossover responses. There would be a large number of users for something like that, as the DIY speaker community is pretty active.

The second method would of course be for RF design work. There are expensive packages like ADS that do that, but often for quick work I use an old freeware program called RFSim99, no longer supported. Having this online tool support RF would be a big help.


by bwaslo
March 20, 2012

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