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Hiding the grid

Would it be possible to have a button/shortcut to hide the grid? I use CircuitLab to sketch out circuits, and then take screenshots of the circuit (it's just faster for my workflow than exporting as a PNG/etc). It would be convenient to be able to hide the grid so my screenshots don't have to include it!

by amccaugh
February 16, 2013

I second this request

by dgmcl3284
February 18, 2013

+1 on this request!

by knickels
April 07, 2016

Yes, please.

by TedR
July 10, 2016

A reasonably quick way of taking a screenshot without the grid is File Save followed by Control P. This opens a pdf in a new window without the grid, take a screen shot of that.

by mikerogerswsm
October 20, 2016

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CircuitLab is an in-browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you rapidly design and analyze analog and digital electronics systems.