Questions about editing model parameters

Most device models that can be obtained from vendors will have at least the minimum parameters supported by CL.

However, if a vendor model has more parameters than those suported by CL, then clearly they cannot be entered into an editable version of a CL model.

Question 1:

Does CL assume that any parameters it does not show in the editable model box are set to some default values or do they simply not exist in the CL model?

The other side to this situation is what happens if the required device model has fewer parameters than CL supports.

Suppose I want to make a stripped down model of the 1N4148 diode that has only the I_S parameter specified.

Assume I want to set I_S = 1e-12.

I click on "Edit Individual Parameters".

Rename the device to Dbasic1.

I enter I_S = 1e-12.

If I then delete all the other parameters in the model box (N, TT, M_J, R_S, CJ0, V_J), CL throws an error for each missing value:

"Error: the value of Dbasic1<missing parameter name> is not a number"

In SPICE, Gnucap etc., missing parameters are normally set to default values.

Question 2:

Could this feature be provided in CL?


by signality
May 23, 2012

yes please

by JSalazar88
June 11, 2012

For those components which have type selection boxes, it might be useful if these component type selections included "other" where the user could name his own component and specify the parameters for that component.

For selecting a LED component, most of us use different types of LEDs from the few that are pre-coded as available in CL. Having the ability to define our own LED component could be useful.

Same situation exists for other components that have configuration pop-up boxes. I just picked on the LED to have a good example.

by arvevans
October 26, 2012


That what the "Edit Individual Parameters" box is for.

Click on that, edit the relevant parameters and the give the component reference designator, your own name (keeping to the CL syntax rules).

There are no user library, subcircuit or hierarchical features in CL yet: search feature requests for requests already placed.

However, you can save copies of edited components as individual pages or collections of them on your own pages and then copy and paste them into other circuits.



by signality
October 28, 2012


by signality
October 28, 2012

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