Resistors power ratings

In Russia and soviet union we had government standards for marking resistors power rating in schematics.

For example on this picture:

"//" - 0.125 W "/" - 0.25 W "-" - 0.5 W "I" - 1 W "II" - 2W "V" - 5 W ...

It was very useful and visually informative for engineers. I could not find if something similar exists for US and Europe?

Personally I would love to have this option in resistors properties.

Also in simulations It would be nice to show wattage and if this wattage exceeds power rating, show element in red hot color. :) I think these would be very nice features. :)

by febb
October 13, 2014

The simulation will calculate the power dissipation of a resistor, but no fancy color changing.

by Garrett
October 13, 2014


You might like to have a read of this Feature Request from 2012:


by signality
October 13, 2014

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