Browser compatibility warning: CircuitLab may not work as expected in your web browser. Please see our System Requirements.

Mobile Browser - Touch Interface

CircuitLab supports iOS touch devices so you can take your circuits with you wherever you go! All of the functionality that is available on your desktop is also available on supported mobile browsers. Here is a quick rundown of the common actions in CircuitLab for your mobile touch browser:

Two finger scroll the grid to pan:

Two Finger Pan

Two finger pinch the grid to zoom:

Pinch To Zoom

Two finger rotate on a selected part to rotate it:

Rotate a part

Two finger scroll in the toolbox to scroll:

Scroll Toolbox

Additional Notes

  • Parts can be dragged out of the Tool Box, just like in the desktop version.
  • Parts can be deleted by dragging them back into the Tool Box.
  • Double tap an element to edit its parameters.


CircuitLab is supported on the iOS Mobile Safari browser on iOS 2.0 and above. Optimizations were introduced in iOS 4 that improve the performance of SVG, so iOS 4 and above is hightly recommended.

Gesture Illustrations provided by GestureWorks® (

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About CircuitLab

CircuitLab is an in-browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you rapidly design and analyze analog and digital electronics systems.