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Created | May 22, 2012 |
Last modified | May 30, 2012 |
Tags | capacitor-distortion dielectric dielectric-distortion y5v y5v-capacitor |
A very much simplified and better converging version of:
dielectric dependent capacitor non-linearity 01
A demonstration of the effect of the voltage dependence of the dielectric constant of Y5V capacitors.
Not sure the plots work right though ...
A demonstration of the effect of the voltage dependence of the dielectric constant of Y5V capacitors.
In Iarb1, the voltage across the behavioural capacitor is full wave rectified by the ABS() function to keep the result of the expression and hence the behavioural capacitance, positive. The rest of the expression applies a non-linear function to the effective capacitance that is based on the capacitance vs. voltage characteristics of Y5V dielectric ceramic capacitors.
NOTES: i) This model assumes that the capacitor is being used at low enough frequencies that time delays of the various physical effects that contribute to dielectric constant variation vs. voltage are negligible compared to the period of the applied signal.
ii) This model is scaled to be for a 100V working capacitor.
iii) This circuit is a very much simplified and better converging version of:
dielectric dependent capacitor non-linearity 01
For an illustration of the capacitance variation vs DC bias of Y5V dielectric capacitors, see:
For more detailed background of the physics of capacitor behaviour see:
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