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Created June 20, 2013
Last modified June 20, 2013
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Just a quick test I worked up as I learn about RC circuits and Time Constants.

A time constant is the resistance multiplied by the capacitance. If values are in megohm and microfarad then the result is in seconds. I guess that means results are in seconds for Farad/Ohm but meg/micro is usually much more reasonable to work with.

RC Circuits charge at a rate of 100*(1-e^-x) where x is the number of time constants, the result is the charge as a percentage of the input voltage. They discharge at a rate of 100(e^-x).

To make this really easy to see my circuit uses 1M/1mf to make the time constant 1 second and an input voltage of 100V so the voltage at Node1 should be the same as the percent charged.

The time controled switch causes the circuit to charge for 6 seconds and then discharge. I run a time domain simulation for 12 seconds while monitoring Node 1 to plot the charge.

I notice at all times the charge seems to be slightly lower than predicted. I wonder if Circuit Lab is actually simulating imperfection in parts such as capacitor leakage or resistance in wires, etc... Or is it something else?

by kc8rwr
June 20, 2013

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