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Created November 28, 2011
Last modified November 28, 2011
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Demonstrates the limited slew rate of a real op-amp with a large square wave input.


Real op-amps are non-linear in a big way: they have a finite rate at which their output can change, known as the "slew rate" (often expressed in Volts per microsecond on a datasheet). For fast-changing inputs, this becomes a dominant nonlinearity.

Run the time-domain simulation to see how the square wave input turns into an output that combines a linear segment (when the slew rate is saturated) with an exponential segment (when the slew rate limit is not being hit).

Then, edit the op-amp parameters, and set SR=0 (to disable the slew rate limiter -- effectively this sets infinite SR). Run again, and see how it's a pure exponential linear system response.


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