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Created August 08, 2018
Last modified September 02, 2018
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Hi! I just looked at your circuit. I just wanted to give you some constructive criticism to help you a bit.

First, you have WAY more circuitry there than you need to do what I think it is supposed to do. In this simulation, you don't need any bypass capacitors. You wouldn't necessarily need it to be that way in actual hardware either.

Second, you only need one Vbias generator circuit for both conditioning op-amps. As a matter of fact, I don't even understand why you need op-amps to drive the reference voltage and not just have the voltage-dividers hooked directly to the conditioning op-amps to offset the voltage.

Third, if you are expecting (and I don't know that you are) this circuit to be a color-organ driving the different color LEDs at different frequency ranges, it won't.

Fourth, you didn't select the specific colors for the LEDs with the correct components. For instance, your green LEDs are not going to turn on at all. With an output of 3.3V, a Vf for the green LED of 2.1V, leaves 1.2V across the LED. You need a 120 ohm resistor for 10mA, not 3.3k. But the TL081 has two diode-drops for its output, meaning that with +3.3V on Vcc, will be 3.3V-1.4V = 1.9V, which is below the 2.1V Vf of the LED, so it can't turn on. The output of the TL081 is also running through 192 ohms, thus dropping the current even more.

I could be wrong about all of this, but I just wanted to give you a heads-up.

by mk5734
August 30, 2018

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