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Created March 12, 2012
Last modified March 12, 2012
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Solar Panel Charging Switch Regulator works at the panels maximum power preset point, in this design adjusted to 40,5 V.


This 100W MPPP regulator is almost as efficient as an expensive MPPT regulator. The trick is to track the maximum power point of the PV panels in advance and then preset this point. Further improvement can be done with temperature compensation as well. Some notes.
It is important that the connections between T1 L1 L2 C1 C2 C3 D4 D5 Q3 and the LM2576 is very short. T1 is the same toroid inductor as L1 supplemented with 25 turns secondary winding. The no load PV maximum voltage must be below 60V with respect to LM2576HVT breakdown. Maximum PV outpot power is total 100W.


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