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Created March 21, 2012
Last modified March 23, 2012
Tags 6_002x   mitx  


Signal mixing with divider. Wrong simulations results!
Any ideas?


MITx 6.002x course LAB2B

Actually wrong result in time domain simulation!

This sceme analysis in internal MITx editor have right oscillogramm but not in circuitlab. The maximum value of the output is approximately 667mV and the minimum value is approximately −167mV.


As has been pointed out in the support forum, you have to adjust the offset in V1 for your CircuitLab circuit to give the same result as your MIT lab experiment.

However, if you do the maths on your circuit as it stands, you will see that the required transfer function:

Vout = V1/2+V2/6

is realised.

In this particular case, just because Vout in your CircuitLab simulation doesn't match the Vout you expect doesn't mean there's anything wrong with CircuitLab.

You should always do a sanity check such as set V1 to 2V DC and V2 to 6V DC. What Vout would you expect then?


What Vout does the CircuitLab simulation give?




by signality
March 23, 2012

Thank you!

by LaikaN57
September 05, 2013

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