Now showing circuits 61-80 of 119. Sort by
12-5 PUBLICSwitch SW1 closes at t=0. Circuit is in equilibrium just before t=0. Opamp OA1 is ideal. I'm have trouble calculating the time constant for the capacitor's waveform. Can anyone help? VM1 = (-Rf/Ri) x... by dstehlin1218 | updated April 23, 2013 |
op amp non-inverting amp PUBLICby alkopop79 | updated April 16, 2013 |
inverting op amp PUBLICby nickgibson | updated April 02, 2013 |
non inverting amplifier PUBLICby nickgibson | updated April 01, 2013 |
LM386 Stereo PUBLICby jamesmarino | updated March 28, 2013 |
Integratore ideale PUBLICIl classico schema di principio di integratore realizzato con amplificatore operazionale by columbaprof | updated March 08, 2013 |
5-stage Op-Amp/Transformer with LED PUBLICby mlew | updated February 28, 2013 |
Two Stage MOSFET Amplifier PUBLICby mlew | updated February 23, 2013 |
15kHz_active_LPF PUBLICThis is actually the active 15 kHz LPF of the QuadOpAmpMAX 414BCPD. I wanted to verify that I have build it correctly. Problem is that when connecting the output to the mic-input of the PC I don't see... by Y3g | updated February 22, 2013 |
Restador PUBLICby dzalf | updated February 19, 2013 |
Op-Amp Inverting Amplifier PUBLICStage 3 of Function Generator Circuit. by nightlite | updated February 17, 2013 |
Op-Amp Integrator PUBLICStage 2 of Function Generator Circuit. by nightlite | updated February 17, 2013 |
Op-Amp Oscillator PUBLICStage 1 of Function Generator Circuit. by nightlite | updated February 16, 2013 |
Comparatore con isteresi PUBLICIl classico comparatore invertente con isteresi realizzato con amplificatore operazionale by columbaprof | updated February 14, 2013 |
Seguidor de tensión PUBLICVoltage follower by xcrespo11 | updated February 07, 2013 |
Active Band Pass PUBLICby stashcraft | updated January 24, 2013 |
Active Bessel Filter PUBLICSecond order filter of the Bessel variety. by stashcraft | updated January 24, 2013 |
Inverting op-amp PUBLICby endolith | updated January 18, 2013 |
Linkwitz transform PUBLICLinkwitz transform for EQing speaker drivers by endolith | updated January 17, 2013 |
Differentiaalivahvistin PUBLICby markusl | updated January 16, 2013 differentiaalivahvistin elektroniset-jarjestelmat eljar lepola metropolia op-amp xx00aa75 |
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