Now showing circuits 21-40 of 52. Sort by
3.3v <> 12 v mosfet driver with opto-coupler PUBLIC12V solenoid driver - works for fuel injectors or Idle Control Valve by russian | updated June 21, 2013 |
Basic (CMOS) Inverter PUBLICMOSFET (CMOS) inverter by ACDC | updated June 19, 2013 |
Dimmable Joule Thief Buck circuit with MOSFet PUBLICA quick and easy circuit to control a 10v 200mA LED array using a 2N7000 MOSFET. Dimming is done through R2. by qs | updated May 09, 2013 |
Rear Bike Light PUBLICSchematic for my Rear Bike Light, using 2 High power LEDs and an embedded ATmega328p with the Arduino boot loader to control the LEDs via PWM thru two N-channel MOSFET current sinks. It's also... by rainierez | updated April 19, 2013 |
P_CH_I_REG PUBLICCurrent regulator based on P-Channel MOSFET. Adjust R1 to change current - voltage drop should equal Q2's V-EB threshold. by DennisT1 | updated April 01, 2013 |
Two Stage MOSFET Amplifier PUBLICby mlew | updated February 23, 2013 |
MOSFET logic gate counter-example PUBLICa messy demonstration to show that swapping the PDN and PUN while inverting the output is not equivalent to the original circuit by stashcraft | updated February 07, 2013 |
Electronics S2L1 PUBLICBasic MOSFET CS amp. by stashcraft | updated January 15, 2013 |
LED 3x3x3 Cube PUBLICThis is a LED 3x3x3 cube circuit. The LED's Cathodes are soldered together in 3 rows, and the anodes are soldered 3 high in 9 columns. This particular cube will be connected to an arduino. 3 NPN... by dan89156108 | updated January 05, 2013 |
PC Keyboard multiple key press (MSM) PUBLICThis circuit provides a single pulse output at each transition of the switch operation after activating SHIFT and/or CTL. by Didactech | updated December 07, 2012 |
PC keyboard Toggle DPST to Pulse (SSM) PUBLICThis circuit provides a single pulse output at each transition of the switch operation. by Didactech | updated December 06, 2012 |
PC Keyboard Rotary Switch to Pulse (RSM) PUBLICThis circuit provides a single pulse output at each transition of the switch operation. by Didactech | updated December 06, 2012 |
MOSFET Regulator PUBLICZero drop out FET regulator with lead resistance compensation ("negative resistance"). Working simulation. by paulmz | updated October 17, 2012 |
IRF7319 PUBLICby FVS | updated October 17, 2012 |
Motor Driver using MOSFETs PUBLICA high power motor driver using two p-channel and two n-channel MOSFET transistors capable of driving up to 33 Amperes at a maximum of 60 Volts. by banerjen | updated September 30, 2012 |
MOSFET Switch PUBLICby pcbolt | updated September 26, 2012 |
MOSFET's_driver_3 PUBLICby assimg | updated September 14, 2012 |
MOSFET's_driver_2 PUBLICby assimg | updated September 14, 2012 |
MOSFET's_driver_1 PUBLICby assimg | updated September 14, 2012 |
como simulo este amplificador ? PUBLICEstoy intentando hacer estecircuito amplificador utilizando mosfet, pero como recien estoy usando esta aplicacion no se como lograr visualizar la seƱal amplificada, lo he sacado de este link:... by JorgeLu | updated August 27, 2012 |
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