Now showing circuits 21-40 of 84. Sort by
Basic LED Circuit PUBLICby paulmirel | updated August 08, 2015 |
traffic Light PUBLICby nkeck | updated February 11, 2015 |
Dark activated LED PUBLICThis circuit uses 2 NPN Transistors and an LDR to create a automatic on for an LED in this case. It has very good response, and low power consumption in light. by joiseystud | updated January 17, 2014 |
GDB LED circuit PUBLICEight Gravity Development Board LED's to make cool artistic displays or output engineering data. by SolX2010 | updated January 12, 2014 gdb gravity-development-board led sol-x solar-system-express |
8-LED color oscillator PUBLICby hbs22 | updated December 16, 2013 |
555Timer PUBLICby St0rmingBr4in | updated September 01, 2013 |
Simple near-UV led circuit PUBLICThis diagram represents an LED array powered by two "C" batteries in series with a resistor to control current flow. All of the hardware needed to build this circuit can be purchased at Radioshack for... by Elfrotardo | updated August 07, 2013 c-battery led led-array near-uv parallel-led ultra-violet uv |
led1 PUBLICBasic polarization circuit by nliebeaux | updated July 19, 2013 |
Reverse Joule Thief Light PUBLICA novel circuit to charge a Li-ion battery from a 2v Solar cell by qs | updated July 14, 2013 |
LA001DC-firestarter PUBLICAn array of prefab 4.5v L.E.D. modules (with their resistors removed), chained together for use with 12VDC supply. by asp | updated July 02, 2013 |
28x 5050 6.5k LED AC MAIN PUBLICby glococo | updated June 14, 2013 |
12-60V Constant Current LED Driver + PWM Dimmer PUBLICby serisman | updated June 07, 2013 |
PWM LED Dimmer - 12V 8A (96W) PUBLICReverse Engineered PWM LED Dimmer from eBay 12V 8A (96W) 96W12V-TM1-1 by serisman | updated June 06, 2013 |
Simple LED PUBLICby Owning_Phoenix | updated June 01, 2013 |
Auto Off LED PUBLICby skillethelper1 | updated May 11, 2013 |
Led Flasher PUBLICThis is a circuit which uses an npn and pnp transistor to briefly flash an LED every few seconds by shagas | updated May 06, 2013 |
IR presence detector (e.g. for model railway trains) PUBLICProvides a presence detector for model railway trains and similar moving things, providing an input to Arduino microcontrollers. by rickb | updated April 27, 2013 |
Directional IR presence detector PUBLICProvides a presence detector for model railway trains and similar moving things, providing an input to Arduino microcontrollers. by rickb | updated April 23, 2013 |
LED multi string linear constant current sink 01 PUBLICDC Sweep doesn't simulate properly in CL for all values of R7. Time Domain simulation shows erroneous current spike at startup. See below. by signality | updated April 15, 2013 constant-current-sink constant-current-source led led-array led-string |
LED multi string linear constant current sink 03 PUBLICThis slightly simplified version of: LED multi string linear constant current sink 01 simulates fine in DC Sweep and Time Domain. by signality | updated April 15, 2013 constant-current-sink constant-current-source led led-array led-string |
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