Now showing circuits 1-9 of 9. Sort by
Simple near-UV led circuit PUBLICThis diagram represents an LED array powered by two "C" batteries in series with a resistor to control current flow. All of the hardware needed to build this circuit can be purchased at Radioshack for... by Elfrotardo | updated August 07, 2013 c-battery led led-array near-uv parallel-led ultra-violet uv |
28x 5050 6.5k LED AC MAIN PUBLICby glococo | updated June 14, 2013 |
Dimmable Current-controlled LED driver PUBLICA simple dimmable driver for a 10v-200mA LED array. Part is DX SKU: 195326 ($2.60) by qs | updated April 29, 2013 |
JT Dimming Driver Circuit PUBLICA "true" Joule-thief circuit to drive a 3S2P LED array from DX (SKU 195326). Features a dimmable output. by qs | updated April 29, 2013 |
LED multi string linear constant current sink 01 PUBLICDC Sweep doesn't simulate properly in CL for all values of R7. Time Domain simulation shows erroneous current spike at startup. See below. by signality | updated April 15, 2013 constant-current-sink constant-current-source led led-array led-string |
LED multi string linear constant current sink 03 PUBLICThis slightly simplified version of: LED multi string linear constant current sink 01 simulates fine in DC Sweep and Time Domain. by signality | updated April 15, 2013 constant-current-sink constant-current-source led led-array led-string |
LED multi string linear constant current sink 02 PUBLICAn attempt to get the time domain sim of: LED multi string linear constant current sink 01 to work properly. It doesn't. Time Domain simulation still shows erroneous current spikes at startup. by signality | updated April 15, 2013 constant-current-sink constant-current-source current-sink led led-array led-string |
240V_50Hz_LED lamp PUBLICThe lamp is made using an dead CFL body. The lamp is already in place & working very fine with brightness equivalent to 40W incandescent lamp. The energy consumption is almost NIL, as the energy meter... by k.rajnikant | updated May 27, 2012 |
LED Array Modul PUBLICby byutea | updated March 30, 2012 |
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