Now showing circuits 1-8 of 8. Sort by
15kV Δ-Y 415/240V - 3x48x12V DC PUBLICPower system model of a modular data center for Bitcoin mining and high performance computing. by nemozen | updated September 24, 2024 |
Regulated_HV_ps PUBLICUsing a LM317 Regulator & EMCO GP Series HV power supply blocks, we have a regulated 5KV supply with current fold-back. by Researchsupportspec2 | updated September 04, 2015 |
Trinket-Dynode PUBLICVery simple circuit for Geiger-Muller tubes. PWM from Adafruit's Trinket micro-controller, inspired by by chsimon | updated April 24, 2014 |
HV Circut PUBLICby strudinox | updated August 17, 2013 |
Haefely Voltage-Multiplier PUBLICHaefely Cockcroft-Walton voltage multiplier and rectifier. 5kHz 75kV AC to -750kV out. by beausef | updated August 17, 2012 cockcroft-walton high-voltage magic rectifier voltage-multiplier |
ZVS PUBLICZero Voltage Sense flyback driver. For big, portable sparks. by hackerfriendly | updated April 01, 2012 |
Sturdy flyback driver PUBLICA flexible and durable flyback transformer driver. by justincardoza | updated March 05, 2012 |
Diode Cascade Voltage Multiplier PUBLICAn AC waveform into a collection of diodes and capacitors can create a high-voltage DC supply. by CircuitLab | updated February 04, 2012 |
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