Now showing circuits 50541-50560 of 50775. Sort by
Regulator napięcia PUBLICby Mefju | updated March 05, 2012 |
dalmo1 PUBLICby mdalmo | updated March 05, 2012 |
Boost LED PUBLICby BenGatti | updated March 05, 2012 |
Series and Parallel PUBLICby mattshields | updated March 05, 2012 |
Wien bridge oscillator PUBLICby AlexeyF | updated March 05, 2012 |
LED driver PUBLICby swantonsoup | updated March 05, 2012 |
YZLRPS PUBLICBasic linear regulated power supply circuit schematic by Yangorang | updated March 05, 2012 |
Boost converter PUBLICThis is a small circuit for demonstrating the principle of a boost converter from 5V to 8V. See by ghoelzl | updated March 05, 2012 |
Noobsauce PUBLICby jorny32 | updated March 05, 2012 |
power bike PUBLICby mtaren | updated March 05, 2012 |
Test PUBLICby wicky | updated March 05, 2012 |
Ignition Delay (5sec) PUBLICDelay circuit to power on a ham radio 5 seconds after the car is turned on. Change R1 to alter the delay timing. Based on "The Ignition Switch" circuit by Wayne Mahnker, WA5LUV (QST, August 2009) by UnixMonky | updated March 05, 2012 |
Joule Thief PUBLICby JuiceboxHero | updated March 05, 2012 |
Full 1 bit adder with evaluation PUBLIChas clock waves attached to confirm operation of full bit adder by him112358 | updated March 05, 2012 |
Vbe Multiplier PUBLICby tedmar | updated March 05, 2012 |
amp-minus1x PUBLICby kazbo | updated March 05, 2012 |
Cockcroft Walton multiplier PUBLICCockcroft Walton voltage multiplier by Kangkeng | updated March 05, 2012 |
amp2x PUBLICby sweacco | updated March 05, 2012 |
Simple Key PUBLICby vp_arth | updated March 05, 2012 |
Joule Thief PUBLICJoule Thief circuit. Not actually sure if it simulates correctly... The time simulation is horribly sensitive to the values of the inductor, voltagein, diode(!) and the time stepping amount. by Kangkeng | updated March 05, 2012 |
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