CircuitLab was featured in O'Reilly's latest Make Magazine volume 33, which hits newsstands this week. See the "Software for Makers" article on page 46:
The free CircuitLab app is a GREAT tool for teaching (& learning) electronics. I heartily recommend it to everyone, from the inquisitive hobbyist, to the electrical engineer who wants to "brush up". In addition to its intuitive design and analysis features, it give you access to a wide variety of additional circuits developed and saved by others (a huge time saver). Kudos to the developers and SQA people at CircuitLabs, Inc., for a great app. Keep up the good work! -- J Veedock, MSEE, MBA |
by jvirish
February 24, 2013 |
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CircuitLab is an in-browser schematic capture and circuit simulation software tool to help you rapidly design and analyze analog and digital electronics systems.