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The CircuitLab Academic Institution Program (CAIP) provides institution-wide site licensing of CircuitLab Student Edition to all students, faculty, and staff at your accredited academic institution! Colleges, universities, graduate programs, high schools, and school districts around the world are eligible to participate.

Click here to check if your institution is already part of the Academic Institution Program.

An educational site license of CircuitLab Student Edition, covering all users at your institution, is now available for $1200.00, covering 6 calendar months.

Electronics lab bench

With CAIP site license:

Faculty or staff:

  1. Completes form and payment below, which is processed by CircuitLab staff within 24 hours.


  1. Create an account at CircuitLab.
  2. Verify they can receive e-mail @YOURSCHOOL.EDU.
  3. One-click immediate acceptance to CircuitLab Student Edition.

Payment Form

For every student, faculty, and staff who apply for CircuitLab Student Edition, their affiliation with your institution is verified by e-mail address domain. Each user must be able to receive mail at your domain (i.e. yourname@XYZ.EDU). If you have multiple e-mail subdomains (i.e. yourname@STUDENTS.XYZ.EDU), we will include them if they are specified below. (Alumni subdomains for non-active students will not be included.)

Non-EDU domains, such as YOURSCHOOL.AC.UK, YOURSCHOOL.ORG, or YOURSCHOOL.K12.NY.US, will be manually reviewed and are accepted as long as they are an official domain for that insitution.

Please list all domains where users may receive e-mail, for example YOURSCHOOL.EDU and STUDENTS.YOURSCHOOL.EDU, with one entry per line.
If you are purchasing on behalf an instructor, let us know who will be teaching with CircuitLab.
If you are purchasing on behalf of an instructor, we will use this email address to send information on how students and instructors can create their accounts.
Secure credit card payment via Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

Resources for Students and Instructors

Download the Getting Started Guide [PDF] for students and instructors. This guide features step-by-step instructions on how to sign up for CircuitLab, as well as links to all our resources for learning the basics of CircuitLab. It's perfect to include in supplementary course materials, or to have students complete as part of a first lab.

Take a look at our curriculum resources page that brings together various ways CircuitLab can be used to help cover concepts in electronics.

Terms and Conditions

By completing this form, you agree to our Terms of Service.

We want to keep CircuitLab affordable for everyone and lawyers are expensive. We therefore will not accept any requests to modify these terms and conditions, and will not sign any contracts provided by your institution.


Our Academic Institution Program is offered as a quick, friction-free way to get students using CircuitLab. We will not process any custom paperwork (including questionnaires, procurement forms, and contracts) for your institution beyond what is available on our website. We understand sometimes procurement departments require onerous additional documents to be processed. If this is the case we recommend you simply direct students to purchase their own individual licenses.


Please contact with any questions about registering your school for the CircuitLab Academic Institution Program.